About the project


The project The Curious and Flourishing Schools - Positive Education in Building of Character Strengths and Virtues is designed to improve the quality of formal education in primary schools in three countries - Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia through the implementation of the program Positive education-flourishing school. The project is meant to support teachers and educationalists and to be a mediating force between practice, research and policy.

OBJECTIVES of the project

With this project, we would like to apply The Curious and Flourishing Schools - Positive Education (PE) in Building of Character Strengths and Virtues program in order to improve formal primary education as well as psychological well-being and resilience among both students and teachers.

Specific objectives of the project would be:

1.Creation and development of the program The Curious and Flourishing Schools - PE in Building of Character Strengths and Virtues for implementing PE principles in the everyday lectures for students in upper classes in the partners' primary schools.

2.Creation and development of the training program for supporting teachers in building up their competencies for implementing PE principles in everyday educational work in partner schools through the Curious and Flourishing Schools - PE in Building of Character Strengths and Virtues program

3.Supporting teachers in building up their competencies for implementing PE principles in everyday educational work in partner schools through the Curious and Flourishing Schools - PE in Building of Character Strengths and Virtues program

4.Creation and development of the manual for supporting teachers for implementing PE principles in everyday educational work in partner schools through the Curious and Flourishing Schools - PE in Building of Character Strengths and Virtues program

The project team is going to develop the following main RESULTS:

1. The program “Positive Education -flourishing school”

2. Teachers training for the implementation of the program (in all partner schools for 60 teachers)

3. Research methodology to assess effects of the program

4. The manual for teachers who will implement the program (theoretical and practical dimensions)

5. Positive education clubs in all six schools.